In this episode, we welcome Victoria Lebrec, London Traffic Justice Campaign Coordinator for RoadPeace. Victoria has been fighting for road safety in London since losing her leg after a collision with a skip lorry in 2014. Others have lost limbs on the same section of road since the incident, and it is only one of many places in London where accident rates are disproportionately high. Victoria’s work is focused on raising awareness of the need for improvements for cyclist safety across London.
At the scene of her collision, Victoria’s life was saved by a new procedure that, at the time, had only been successfully performed on one other person outside of hospital. The procedure is called REBOA (resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta) and was performed by Bill Leaning and Dr Samy Sadek. It is used to prevent cardiac arrest by blocking the Aorta with a “balloon” to stem haemorrhaging.
Key Points in This Episode:
1:20 Introducing today’s guest and topic.
7:45 The story of Victoria’s fateful collision.
10:56 What it’s like to deal with an amputation and the reaction of family and friends.
15:18 The journey of Victoria’s post-trauma recovery.
18:30 Victoria’s current work with the charity RoadPeace.
22:10 Vision Zero – the multinational project to get serious road accidents to zero by 2041.
26:08 The key to Victoria’s mental resilience.
31:00 A word for up-and-coming paramedics.
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