The Educator Tier Structure
The Educator Tier Structure is a pathway for our educator community to work through, providing support, reward and recognition to those who deliver invaluable learning events*. Consisting of four tiers, the structure provides a roadmap into Medics.Academy, allowing the community to access benefits, such as discounts and bursaries, as well as providing opportunities to innovate within the company. This page provides information about how to qualify for the various tiers, and the benefits associated with each tier.
One learning event* is defined as: delivering one hour of teaching in the form of a webinar, a workshop or an e-learning event (e.g. a Slack Q&A), contributing to a Medics.Academy course/project, being a speaker for one of our podcasts, mentoring over a year, supervising one fellow for three months, writing two blog posts, or contributing to a company research paper. Tutoring for one Virtual Elective cohort is equivalent to two learning events. Please note, if you have been a speaker for a specific podcast, e.g. HLA Live more than once, this will still count towards the same learning event. The list of learning events will be constantly updated to match the teaching opportunities within Medics.Academy. Please let us know if a learning event you have achieved is not included on this list.
Please note that those on the Medics.Academy Fellowship Programme have their own specific pathway and are therefore not included in the tier structure until completion of the programme, at which point they may have the opportunity to enter the tier structure.
Tier 4: Community Educator. Tier 4 consists of all those who have contributed learning events to Medics.Academy. All community educators are offered 10% off a selection of Medics.Academy products and have access to our Community Slack group, workshops and regular newsletters. Please email us to obtain your exclusive community discount code.
Tier 3: Honorary Medics.Academy Educator. Those who have contributed 5 or more learning events in the past year (September-September), qualify for tier 3 and are awarded the title Honorary Medics.Academy Educator.
Tier 3 members are awarded 12-months complementary access to a selection of exclusive Medics.Academy courses. In addition, attendance at Virtual Medics.Academy conferences will be recognised with a certificate, as well as entitlement to all benefits as per tier 4. Appraisal of Honorary Educators occurs annually; a minimum of 5 learning events per academic year (from September-September) is required to maintain Honorary Educator status and access to tier 3 benefits.
Tier 2. Honorary Medics.Academy Educators are eligible to apply to tier 2. This tier offers significant benefits, including an annual bursary towards a PGCert, or an ILM qualification offered by Medics.Academy, as well as access to exclusive discounts for other Medics.Academy courses, such as the Training in Teaching course. If you already have or are doing a PGCert, then a bursary towards the PGDip or or MSc in Clinical Practice, Management and Education can be considered.
Those who join tier 2, are required to contribute 4-6 hours per week on average to a specified agreed project or role within Medics.Academy for 12 months. Receiving the benefits of this tier is contingent on successful appraisals, conducted on a regular a basis with a supervisor. After the 12 month period, there may be an opportunity to receive further bursaries towards either a PGDip or MSc in Clinical Practice, Management and Education.
Tier 1: Part-time employment at Medics.Academy. Those who have been a Tier 2 member for at least 12 months and have passed all appraisals successfully are invited to apply to Tier 1, where an offer of part-time employment working for Medics.Academy will be made. Applicants will be expected to make a formal application and an interview will be conducted.
Log your Learning Events
We try to keep track of as many educators' learning events as possible, however we want to make sure nothing is missed and that everyone’s invaluable contributions are recognised. Please complete the 'log your learning events' form to inform us of your contribution.
If you believe you have achieved the minimum number of learning events since September 2020 to progress to the next tier, you can also let us know via the 'log your learning events' form.